Wild Nordics

Adventures, Passions, and Surviving Finland

Aircraft Database

By on 02/01/2017

Archer LX


  • Overview
  • Specs

The Piper Archer has been, and continues to be, the perfect gateway to launching pilots’ flying careers all over the world. With a 180 HP Lycoming engine and an advanced Garmin G1000 Avionics Suite, the Archer is a modern and reliable aircraft for both teaching and cross-country flying.

Category: All Rounders
Manufacturer: Piper
Certification: Type Certified
Avionics: Garmin G1000 Glass Cockpit
Engine: Lycoming O-360 (180 hp)
Fuel Type: Avgas 100LL
Cruise Speed (kt): 128
Stall Speed (kt): 44
Useful Load (kg): 395
MTOW (kg): 1157
Wing Type: Low Wing
Gear Type: Nose Gear
Max Crosswind (kt): 17
T/O Distance (m): 490
Climb Rate (fpm): 725
Ceiling (ft): 14100
Wingspan (m): 10.8
Wing Area (sq m): 15.14
Glide Ratio (X:1): 11
Fuel Capacity (l): 182
Fuel Consumption (l/hr): 38
Endurance (hrs) 30min res: 4.7
Range (km) 30min res: 967
Seats: 4